Don’t believe the hype
Good Morning everyone…
I was sent a video yesterday. It’s about JD Rockefeller. It’s an example of how greed and the obsession of money and power can take over someones soul. I want to share briefly my story as a Graphic Designer. Although I’ve never been hellbent on power or money, I have seen it around me more than a few times.
I was in advertising for several years of my life. As a Graphic Designer, it was how I made money. I was pretty good at what I did. I started out doing package design for toys. I would make the art look so appealing that children would flock to the store because the toy looked too good to be true. The truth was that it was too good to be true. Most of the toys in the packages didn’t live up to what was inside.
And so the deception began…
I remember airbrushing magazine covers, making the women look ‘more appealing’. A deception at the time that I never dreamed would make young women think that they had to look like the women on the magazine covers. No flaws, but perfect specimens. From Maxim I moved on to Cheri, High Society, Playgirl… I covered scars from bad boob jobs on porn stars. Again, making them look appealing. When I started working for some of the big ages this is when it really started to affect me. I watched how the machine worked. I saw how easy it was to make people want things that they don’t need. Essentially it was my job to manipulate you. Why? Because it made revenue for our clients. That was the bottom line. How to we generate as much profit as we can regardless of what it was doing to the public. I was under the same spell that many are under. You have a choice to take the bait or not, right? We know in advertising that if you say it enough times it becomes real. I mean, it’s sooooo easy because people want to believe.
Back to Rockefeller.
This dude had so much money and control that he bought the media. He delegated what could be published and what couldn’t. If he didn’t like it, it was put on the shelf. Then, he got into pharmaceuticals. He found out that he could use his petrolium in them, and since he controlled Standard Oil it was an easy way to make more money. Then, using his control of the media he started changing how we looked at natural remedies, plants, herbs, etc., he made them look foolish by calling them ‘quackery’ and made pharmaceuticals the gold standard. Why did he do this? The same reason that JP Morgan cut all of the funding from Nikola Tesla… because there was no money to be made. Rockefeller changed history as we know it, so much so that we now believe all of the hype that he created.
Big Pharma has been destroying lives for close to a century now. It’s a very grey area because there are some very dedicated people in that industry that want to help, (just like I did when I was in advertising) that really believe that these medicines can cure and help the world. But history shows us a different story. History shows us the payoffs, the lobbying, the buying out of media, politicians, social media all for one thing.
Profit and greed.
Do you think that Big Pharma changed their tune overnight to save humanity?
When you look at the big picture of all that has been happening in the last few years, what does your heart tell you? What does your gut tell you? I’ve asked you in the past to follow your gut and your heart and I’ve shown you examples of how following your inner guidance can serve you better. Why stop now?
I’m not here to tell you what you should or shouldn’t do. I’ve long learned that you can’t influence anybody that has no desire to be influenced. And that is ok. I am just asking you to look at history.
If you want to study more about the real history of the US. Go talk to a Native American Chief. He’ll give you a different story. Go read about the Trail of Tears. Read Howard Zinn’s book ‘A Peoples History of the United States.’
And for God’s sake… Turn off your TV. Start supporting local artists. Get outside and take a deep breath of that prana that is all around you.
On a final note…
Families have been torn apart in the last few years. If you look again at history, the Hatfields and McCoys fought for years because they both wanted to be ‘right’. Instead of looking at what we have in common we’ve allowed ourselves to be guided into this horrible deception. I’m experiencing it in my own family. I’m totally cool with being the black sheep. I follow my heart, and my gut. It hasn’t always led me in the right direction, but for the most part it has and I sleep like a baby every night night.