How did ‘Normal’ serve you?
There has been a social divide about vaccines that I’ve been watching lately, as I’m sure you have seen as well. Whether you decide that it is good for you or not, I encourage you to do your own research, and most of all… make the decision based on your gut and not what everyone else is doing around you, or to be pressured into it against your own inner truth.
I’ve been encouraged, either by the media or by people who religiously got their flu shot every year, to take the shot. I would do my best to ask myself if it was something I needed or not. I’ve usually opted out of getting one as I would explain to anybody that would ask…
I would rather let my immune system adapt to the environment around me, to do my best to take care of my body by exercising, by taking care of my mind by meditation, by doing my best to heal my body using Reiki and to trust that raising my vibration will ultimately serve me best, as well as those around me.
There is a F.E.A.R. (False Evidence Appearing Real) that we might contract a virus that we might never be able to get rid of, or worse, infect others. That by taking this shot we are allowing society to return to ‘normal’.
How did ‘normal’ serve you?
Is it worse for society to continue on a path of fast-food, consumerism, television, isolation, addiction to porn, drugs, alcohol, social media, or even fossil fuels? Allowing the rich to get richer, and the poor to continue getting poorer? Allowing our already divided world to become even more divided? More medicated? Continue allowing Big Tech, Big Oil, and Big Pharma to continue destroying our minds, our resources, and our spirit?
… would it better suit us to take advantage of this global pandemic by REALLY changing our world?
Start focusing on Plant-based Diets, or at least start focusing on where our actual food is coming from, how it is grown, where it is grown, and who is growing it. Recognizing what GMO’s actually are and what they really contain. Start focusing on nutritional value instead of quantity. Yes, Quality, not Quantity.
Seeing the beauty in smaller, Self-Sustaining Communities. Allowing each member of these societies to focus on their strong points which will inevitably make these societies thrive.
Starting schools that actually teach kids to focus on what makes them shine, teaching them useful information instead of teaching them how to be a ‘productive’ member of society, in other words… getting a good job.
Learning to have conversations that empower others, instead of having conversations just to hear ourselves speak, just to appease our own egos just to be ‘right’.
Teaching Art and Music and embracing the idea that without these we will die. When we look at the past we see how Art and Music have contributed to those societies, enhanced them, made them better, more prosperous, and ultimately made life worth living.
Instead of sending our elders off to die alone in nursing homes, allowing them to use their wisdom to teach the younger generations what works and what ultimately doesn’t work and how they can make the world a better place for all. Stop looking at them as useless just because they can’t work anymore.
If you’ve made it this far I encourage you to start taking action. Start looking for commonalities in those that you once apposed. I wrote in the song ‘Alive’ by Electric Messiah, to “Drop the Ego, drop the anger. Stop pointing fingers. Look inside.”
David Reed Watson