David Reed Watson
3 min readAug 4, 2021

I want to talk to you about division.

Rumi said, “In the field of spirit there is no division. No individuals exist.”

No Individuals Exist.

Most Marine brothers and sisters that I know or that I’ve worked with, know this. We were trained to co-exist, despite our differences, to overcome a common enemy. We took an oath, whether foreign or domestic to protect and to serve. There is a bond between, regardless of age. We know we’ve got each others backs (I’ve got your 6). Now that I’ve been out for more years than I was ever in, I look at what this means to me now that I’m on a more spiritual path, moving from warrior to spiritual warrior…


Are we so self serving in todays world that we are so busy pointing the finger at others, defending our egos, finding faults in others that we just can’t see that this division is killing us?

When did we decide that political affiliation, color of skin, sexual orientation, sports team, vax, no vax, is more important than someones character? When we gloss over someone’s character we are doing ourselves a dis-service. Are we subconsciously allowing our surface self, our ego, to determine what is right or wrong when in fact we might be wrong ourselves because we haven’t acquired information from sources other than what our ego aligns with?

Going back to the Marines.

When we study war, we understand that dis-information, propaganda, is put out to confuse and disorient those that we are trying to ‘persuade’. In a way, when I was in advertising I was essentially studying this art of propaganda by making convincing adverts to persuade…. ok, let us be real… to LIE to people to get them to buy a product.

The Art of Lying.

Have you ever been told a lie so many times that it becomes real? I mean, you hear it repeatedly and so therefore your mind pretty much accepts it as truth. We do this to ourselves as well. We lie to ourselves even though we have answers right in front of us, or somebody that we respect lies to us. We’ve caught them in a lie but we decide, our ego decides, that it’s ok because they are really on our side.

What does this have to do with division?

We are allowing ourselves to let our ego run the show. We aren’t looking at the characters in the play and realizing that these actors, these leaders, are creating this division. I can walk down the street and strike up a conversation with anybody, yes, anybody. Why? Because all people want the same thing. They want to be loved. They want to provide for their families. They want to be judged by their character. They want to contribute. We all want to be one. We want to be indivisible.

Media creates division.

News stations create division as well. They know that by making your blood boil because ‘they’ (insert whomever they are trying to make you hate) are destroying our world. Turn off your TV or reduce your consumption to it and to online media like facecrack, instagram, twitter, etc.

Basically what I’m saying is this…

When you start noticing the similarities in people, the more united you become. Here in the USA, the UNITED States, we aren’t living up to our own name. We are more the DIVIDED States than anything. I would like to think that the country that I served was United and that my service was not in vain.

Please grow up.



David Reed Watson
David Reed Watson

Written by David Reed Watson

Singer/Songwriter/Reiki Master/ Human ‘Be’ing

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