I was so much older then. I’m younger than that now.
Yesterday I was hit full front with my past. Literally. I got to see how I have hurt others with my insecurities and where I still need to do the work.
Reparations come in many forms, be it from past relationships, to politics, religion, race… but they are essential to our personal growth. What they are saying is, “I’m sorry for the past and although I can’t change the past I can do my best to change our future.” It’s saying, “I’m sorry, I am not that person anymore.”
When we recognize where we’ve hurt others, where they have hurt us, it is saying that we must mend those old pains in order for us to grow. It is also saying to do the work. Dive deep and recognize your role so that these patterns never happen again.
I’ve mentioned before that I am diving deep into my subconscious and working on my abandonment issues. I had mentioned about Bruce Lipton talking about how the subconscious takes over when we aren’t being mindful. I know that for many years my subconscious was driving me, while consciously I was creating my own hell. Some do it through alcohol, some through drugs, some through sex, some through relationships. Whatever coping mechanism we use, they need to be looked at and recognized as just that… coping mechanisms. Nothing more.
When we look at these coping mechanisms we start to recognize where they’ve shown up in our lives, and when. They usually show up when we think we’re stuck, when we think that the answers will never come. We start to feel hopeless, when we say, “Here we go again. I’m just a fuck up.”
So do the work. Do it today. If you’re in a relationship, talk to your partner about it instead of hiding it. You might be surprised… they might thank you or they might leave. But is it worth living your life like this until the day you die?
Do the work.