My First journey with Ayahuasca
It has been 14 months since my first Ayahuasca journey. A LOT has changed since those three days that I shared with a group of 17 people. 17 in numerology is 1+7=8. Eight is infinity and I believe that this journey opened up infinite possibilities for me.
My journey started many years ago and I believed I’ve pinpointed it to my time in Egypt going into the Great Pyramid of Giza. I’ve always been a seeker of truth but it wasn’t until then that my true path was set before me. Eventually I will write about this beginning but today I want to focus on my first Ayahuasca journey.
This part of the journey started with receiving a book called ‘2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl’ by Daniel Pinchbeck. Although the book came out in 2006 it didn’t enter my life until 2013 when I moved to Las Vegas. It took me another five years to hear the call from Grandmother Ayahuasca. They say that you are called to the plant medicine when you are ready. Some never are. Some never want to. It is a choice. It is intense. A three day journey, as I’ve stated above… well, it’s life changing.
So much has changed in the last 14 months. I left my band Kill Ritual because something else was calling me. When I left it was for reasons within the band but as time has passed I know it is for a much different reason. That reason? I’m honestly not sure yet, but I am open to the change. Shortly after leaving the band I was out Mountain Biking in the High Desert. My job out there was to take clients from out of town up into the hills to experience what I like to think of as the ‘real’ Las Vegas (if that is possible). While out with a few clients, one from Florida, and one from the Midlands of England, I went ass over tea kettle and I broke my wrist. It was a bad break snapping the bone in half. Surgery and recovery took a bit of time and is still in the healing process. Then my fiancé and I ended our relationship. Let me be clear about this… she kicked me out. She wanted me to ‘Go find my Happy’. I was crushed then but I had to remind myself that everything happens for a reason. I never liked Las Vegas anyway and always felt trapped there. I look at it now as the Universe giving me a swift kick in the ass to get me moving again. So I left Las Vegas. During this time I was approached by a band from the Midlands, England… yes, the same place as the client who was with my on my ride is from. Again, no coincidence. The band also had a familiar name to my spiritual beliefs, that being ‘Alchemy Fire’. So now I am in the Midlands area of England and I have been over here writing and meditating for the last month or so and will be here until October 2019.
As you can see, a lot of changes which I at first kicked and screamed, cried, yelled, and over-analyzed. Now I’ve come to terms with it all and have vowed to myself to go deep, real deep as Grandmother Ayahuasca has guided me to.
Below are the transcripts from each day of the journey. The names have been changed as well as the location to keep this sacred ceremony and those that did it with me safe. An Ayahuasca journey is very personal. Very private. And when done with a Shaman it can be a life altering experience. I do hope that you decide to go within yourself.
6/29/18 Day one of my journey with the Medicine.
Today is definitely a new beginning for me. Last night with the Ayahuasca I purged several times as if I couldn’t get all of the toxins in my body out fast enough. She [Grandmother Ayahuasca] was singing to me and telling me that I was her favorite because I am so rebellious and that yes, singing is how I get people to come home. Where is home? The tobacco keeps us safe. Our real home from what I gather is where the Pyramids point us. In ancient times we built them to withstand any condition that Gaia might be subject too. Not only Gaia but beings that don’t want us to remember where home is. So the pyramids were built in the exact locations, time, and space to show us our home.
The Pleiades.
Why would other beings try to keep us from remembering where home is? No different than allowing the black slaves brought to America to remember that they are Kings. Because when you know you are a King you can’t be controlled. So making you forget keeps these beings in control.
Last night [Bill], the Shaman, turned into an old man when he was singing and both of them [There were two Shamans] had tribal tattoos on their faces. The tall crystal in the center between them was like a flow of energy spinning around like a torus. It also lost its edges and became smooth. Crystals are power centers, that is why they are so powerful with Reiki. I learned unconditional love last night.
[My footnote about my my ex and I breaking up a year later had me sit to understand how I had misinterpreted this. I believe I had substituted myself for Taylor.] I am grateful to have Taylor in my life because I love her and want her to be happy. She will be excited to know that the Ayahuasca came from the Big Island of Hawaii. Coincidence? There are no coincidences.
Cats. I learned a bit about them. They cross both lines. They are always in this earth plane but they are also out of the matrix. Reminds me of Robert Heinlein’s book, ‘The cat that walked through walls’. They all do. All animals maintain the balance. They understand their roles. To lift consciousness. And again, that is where I step in. Why? Because people listen to me. I am the rule breaker. I can guide people back home. The ones that are on the edge and feel that pull… even though they don’t understand the pull, they feel it. I’m here to guide them and let them know what that pull is. It’s telling us to come home and that we are Kings, not slaves in the Matrix.
6/30/18 Day two of my journey with the Medicine.
I didn’t purge last night and I’m not sure if that is a good thing or not. I remember that collectively we were all going through our little hells. What was mine? Loneliness. I just wanted it to go away. I was passing gas all night long. Maybe my way of saying that I am full of hot air? Possibly. I just wanted the night to end but I knew I had to get through this. I felt like such a failure because I feel by not purging I could not let go of old things. It was such a different experience than the night before.
7/1/18 Day three of my journey with the Medicine.
Last night was filled with spirits walking in and out of the room. One of the spirits looked like he was protecting the room. When I would look over at it, it would shape shift. It would look like the aliens that we hear about. He knew when I was staring at him because he would start doing a crazy dance to make me laugh. When somebody from our group would walk by him he would step aside for them. So many spirits. I only got scared once or twice. Other than that it was very peaceful. My sister Darlene was there last night as well. She told me that she is fine. She is always looking over me. These 17 people that I am with here are all magic. We all connected in these three days. My new brothers and sisters. This was a sacred pact that we formed before we got here. We decided to do this together because we all wanted it to be very deep.