Six of Cups
Welcome to the first day of September! Today’s card is the Six of Cups. Pleasure!
Taking a look at the card we see an old man embracing a young woman. This is depicting the feeling of youth no matter what age. This card isn’t only about sex, although sex is awesome!
This card is about Shakti. Shakti is about the power of the divine feminine. Both male and female have feminine energy but many of us don’t tap into it because we’ve been led to believe that we are either/or. It’s about balance. It’s about tapping into that feminine energy and embracing the power, the creativity, and it’s strength.
Think of the power of an orgasm. What would it feel like to have that feeling throughout everything we do, through everyone we touch both physically and emotionally? From deep sobbing cries to belly laughs. Sharing your true essence with others is of the utmost importance, especially in this day and age where you can hide behind a screen.
I’ve struggled with this in my life. I’ve struggled with intimacy and sharing of my true self with others, especially those closest to me. I’ve destroyed many relationships. I know they say that it takes two to tango but I can’t be responsible for anybody but myself. I’ve hidden behind a microphone as if it was a shield warding off others from getting too close. What have I been hiding from for so long?
I’ve hidden my true self in fear of ridicule and not being good enough. I should say that I did that up until now. Now I am committed to transparency.
What would it look like to have complete transparency? What does that look like to you? I know for myself it scares the shit out of me. But I am committed to being this way because for far too long in my life I haven’t and it doesn’t work. I’m committed to doing the work. Are you?