Six of Wands
This card is the card of Victory!
What an amazing card for an amazing day. Today is Friday the 13th with a FULL HARVEST MOON!!! The last time we had one of these was in 2000 and the next one won’t be until 2049.
Not only that but today is my sister Nicole’s Birthday and she is flying out here to England to visit me. Victory!!!
So… what does this card mean?
It’s time for you to recognize where you are and how you got there. I know for me I have been blessed to have mentors all around me. I’ve listened and learned, and in turn I have spoken and taught.
I’ve mentioned numerous times about balance, about the Yin and Yang. It’s understanding that we cannot do this alone. If we learn from others we have to therefore teach, to pass the torch… In the music world, probably just like any other word there are egos. There are those that learn from others and then horde that knowledge to rise to a stature above others. Let me tell you… I’ve met some of these inflated egos. They are miserable, alone, and scared. They put up the front of being better than you which only distances them further into their own misery. On the opposite side, the side I do my best to emulate, are the ones that no matter how much success They’ve achieved, they are there to help you along. They WANT to see you succeed.
Today, see that area of your life where you are successful. Recognize the ones that have helped you get where you are. Are you emulating their actions or are you in fear of losing what you’ve gained? Again, balance. There will always be ups and downs.
Acknowledge the ups. Don’t take them for granted. Be grateful, no matter what level of success you have. Be grateful for those that have helped you on your journey. This is the time to teach.
Reflect on the downs. Downs are inevitable. In the Hermetic Principles, one of the laws, is the Principle of Rhythm. As the pendulum swings one way it swings the equal and opposite other way. So when you are down… that is the time to learn, the time to surround yourself with those people and lessons you’ve learned.
#sixofwands #followyourintuition #followyourbliss #rohrigtarot #thereikirocker #davidreedwatson #singersongwriter #isingthereforeiam #followyourheart #followyourgut #useyourhead #intuitivetarot #focus #eyeontheprize #nodistractions #infinitepossibilities #cherokee #gvyalielitsehi