The Dark side of Social Media
I started using facebook when I worked for Crispin, Porter + Bogusky. It was a tool that we used to get ‘likes’ for some of the advertising campaigns we were rolling out. I was amazed that it was actually working! I asked myself if maybe this might work for my music and it did! Wow! I was no longer a local musician, I was getting gigs around the country and eventually around the world. It was a blessing…
But somewhere along the line something changed. I believe it was the addiction to being ‘liked’. It was turning into the be all / end all for all of our news, all of our social interactions, and then eventually for our politics. Now it has turned brother against brother. This tool has now become an uncontrollable thorn in our side and will be the death of our species if we keep up this vitriol pitting one against the other.
I don’t care if you are vaxxed or not, if you are gay or straight, left wing or right wing. But, if you are one of those souls out there pushing an agenda or being self righteous I want nothing to do with you. As the Native Americans say, “Never judge a Man unless you’ve walked a mile in his moccasins.”
I challenge you to turn off Facebook, Instagram, Mainstream Media. Take it off of your phones. Yes, it’s a bit dull at first but then you start finding yourself productive in areas of your life that you ‘didn’t have time for’. It’s quite refreshing.
Of course this is easy for me to say and do because I was already in my 30’s when all of this transpired. I didn’t have a celphone until I was in my late 20’s / early 30’s. I can’t imagine what it’s like to be a kid today growing up with all of this bombarding you.
Here’s my bottom line. We are lied to every day. If you follow the money you will not like what you see. I guarantee it. Hospitals care more about the bottom line than people. Politicians care about the bottom line more than people. Big Pharma are the same people that got you addicted to opioids. They’ve paid millions in lawsuits but still the bottom line was greater than a life.
My bottom line is not money. I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my life but putting money above people has never been, nor will it ever be my bottom line.
Below is a quote from somebody that I went to Agape with when I lived in LA. He is kind, generous, humble, and most of all… a humanitarian. He is now considered a conspiracy theorist. A term that I hate because it is a very gray area. It seems that you are a conspiracy theorist if you question ‘facts’ that have been put out on Facebook or mainstream media.
“We are so concerned about being ‘liked’ that it stops us from doing our greatest work. You have to agree with me for us to be friends now. You voted for the wrong person? You’re out. So, you protect those ‘like’s’ like you do your money in the bank. So it conditions them to be obedient instead of being brave enough to stand independently and say what’s true regardless if somebody likes it or dislikes it.”
I challenge you to listen to this podcast to the very end instead of just reading the headline and basing your opinion of it as hogwash. I bet 99% of you won’t watch it to the end. For those of you that do I want to hear your comments.