The Nine of Disks

David Reed Watson
2 min readSep 3, 2019


The Lord of Gain

There is a song by a band called The New Radicals. The song is called ‘You get what you give’. Before you start this reading go put this on 11 then come back.

Ok… you’ve got the song jamming in your ears. There is so much truth to this song.

But when the night is falling, you cannot find the light. You feel your dreams are dying. Hold tight. You’ve got the music in you. Don’t let go, you’ve got the music in you. One dance left, this world is gonna pull through. Don’t give up, you’ve got a reason to live. Can’t forget we only get what we give.

Life is pretty simple really. Ask some of my friends who have been coaching me for the last few days and they might giggle a bit at this because I’ve made life in my head SO damn complicated. But as I woke this morning I remember in my dream jamming with my band and starting to sing lyrics from the top of my head… the band looked at me with a pleasant surprise and on the second go round started singing with me.

I will not profess to do dream interpretation but this one was pretty clear to me.

As soon as I purged all of the old shit from my system, opened up my heart and allowed myself to be truly vulnerable the music flowed through me.

You see, Gain (material or otherwise) comes to us when we start giving of ourselves. When we start sharing and trusting others. Knowing that you will always be able to provide for them in their time of need just as they will be there for you. Gain is not acquired by begging, borrowing, or stealing. Gain is acquired by giving.

What are you willing to give? What does that look like for you? Do you hoard all of your possessions or of your time, or of your emotions in fear of not getting anything back?

Today…. I want you to be vulnerable. Give to a charity. Give to a homeless person. Give to somebody that you don’t think deserves it. The emphasis is on ‘who you don’t think deserves it’, because, like a mirror what are you actually saying to yourself?


#nineofdisks #yougetwhatyougive #followyourintuition #followyourbliss #rohrigtarot #thereikirocker #davidreedwatson



David Reed Watson
David Reed Watson

Written by David Reed Watson

Singer/Songwriter/Reiki Master/ Human ‘Be’ing

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