What am I committed to?
Lately I’ve been pondering and studying manifestation and how manifestation takes a bit of commitment. We are usually pretty gung ho in the beginning but eventually it starts to fizzy out once we don’t see any results. A week goes by and we’re pacing the kitchen and wondering if we’ve done it wrong… so what do we do? We re-commit ourselves with a different idea thinking that the last one didn’t work. Father/Mother/God is going…. “Slow down there Jr.! If you’re committed, you’re committed, right?” I guess in a way Father/Mother/God (F.M.G.) is asking us if we are serious.
I mean, let me put it this way. Let’s say that everything that you’ve ever wanted came to you immediately. Think of all of the mundane things you wish for during the day. Would you really want all of your thoughts to manifest in front of your eyes? Really? I know I wouldn’t. You wouldn’t want to see the shit that goes through my head.
So, F.M.G. has devised a fail-safe way to manifest. They want to make sure you’re serious. You’ve heard the expression, “Good things come to those that wait.” If you truly believe in this stuff you have to trust that it will come but most of us give up and change our minds which must make F.M.G. crazy!
So here the question lies… how committed are you? Do you really want to see change? Are you committed to allowing it to happen around you and trust that it will as long as you are doing the work and moving forward?
It might take time, but I believe that everything happens for a reason, and that goes for timing as well.
Don’t give up or get discouraged too quickly. Just breathe and ‘Know’.
If you would like coaching or Reiki just shoot me a DM or email me at iamarocksinger@gmail.com